The House Of Presence – L`Artiste Présente Chez Elle

Address: Callejón De la Villa 7
11150 Vejer de la Frontera – España
T. +34 618 709 011

the house of presence translucidmind
translucidmind Vejer de la frontera artist susanne steines
Glimpses of Beauty in Ambihemispherical translucidmind
meditation tecnique
human is sexier
new collection susanne steines
translucid OCTAVIO PAZ

Writer and Artist Susanne Steines

Susanne Steines Translucidmind
Glimpses of Beauty in Ambihemispherical vision

Book Translucidmind

Corpus Colassum

Book Corpus callosum


Would only believe in a God who knows how to dance.

Friedrich Nietzsche

Next Events

Past Event

ARTSevilla 22, VI Encuentro Internacional de Arte Contemporáneo.

Un Pensar Distinto.

Exposición comisariada por Eva Morales en la Casa de la Provincia de Sevilla

ARTSevilla 22 By Susanne Steines

Translucidmind Gallery

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Highlight of the Month



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Ambihemispherical Holosophy’s 12 Translucidly Mindful Words: 9 Simultaneity

Ambihemispherical Holosophy’s 12 Translucidly Mindful Words: 9 Simultaneity

The term simultaneity was introduced by philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer in an attempt to find a rational approach to coincidences in time (and space) that seem random and without casual logic but which nevertheless reveal meaningful connections within the life of an individual.  Following the scientific knowledge about the cosmos of his time and testimonies of philosophers of all times, he had come to the conclusion that there had to exist a purposeful simultaneity in the cosmic workings which most of human beings have at some point experienced in their lives in form of an apparently pre-determined event.

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Ambihemispherical Philosophy’s 12 Translucidly Mindful Words:  7 Fearlessness

Ambihemispherical Philosophy’s 12 Translucidly Mindful Words: 7 Fearlessness

Ambihemispherical Philosophy’s 12 Translucidly Mindful Words:
7 Fearlessness

As we all have experienced since the beginning of the COVID 19 epidemic in spring 2020, a lot of fear has been generated recently. Are we fully aware of the impact this has on our lives? Are we not still spending many more hours in front of screens and in social media than before the start of the confinements in spring 2020? Are we not almost permanently tying our brains to our smart phones? Yet the times of confinements are over. The times of using virtual communication as valid replacement for direct contact should be over. There are no reasons anymore for living second lives virtually, the opening possibilities of post-confinement could push on with the spontaneously overwhelming power of the direct real experience of the sensual soul-body. Social media and chats can be used as communication tools – not as real-life replacements.

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Book of Art and Inspirational  Texts

Susanne Steines      Susanne Steines

Susanne Steines      Susanne Steines

After graduation in High School in Germany I was invited to the “Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes”, a foundation for the highly talented, which was back then recruiting students not only upon baccalaureate grades but also upon teachers’ and school directors’ recommendation and upon a weekend of selection talks and tests. I declined in order to stay completely free in my future ways. Questioning the highly competitive school system and the early stages of specialized education in Germany’s University System, I decided to study anything that interested me — philosophy, linguistics, neurolinguistics, psychology, art history — but keeping my main focus on German and French literature. In the area of art and painting I found school curricula most detrimental to the free development of one’s own ideas and signature style — one’s own handwriting. I took private classes in portraiture and oil painting. While working for various newspapers and publishing poetry in magazines, radio, and public readings, I took a chance and travelled to Mexico with the goal to study Latin American literature. I was immediately captured by the creative power of this country and ended up spending several months a year in Mexico.