
Some of my books on dreams and the telepathic intuitions read throughout my life. Read, read, read!

1.) Dreaming!

Are we aware of the amazing power of dreams and our genial human faculty to receive information in dreams, night time dreams or day time dreams, call them telepathic, clearvoyant, inspiring or necessary for our personal development? Or that sudden idea, even scientific ideas, or metaphors, or entire scenes of a story, or that thought about something or somebody coming to our mind – out of nowhere, which later turns out to be correct?
Science has long time called such phenomena “extrasensory perception”.

After many years of reading any kind of literature on the topic, following most recent neuroscientific knowledge, and observing my own dreams and real life events, I suggest, that there is not such thing as “extrasensory perception”. What we perceive as something outside of ourselves is in reality a highly sensitive “sensory” consciousness connection to information which is out there in the cosmos and which we would not be able to receive without the faculty of dreams and sensory intuition like that “gut feeling”. At times it seems as if we received such information from a God-like cosmic consciousness full of information and even intention to stirr events and our life direction and gives us strength to actualize ideas and dreams, just as Tesla says in the quote of the below image.

I suggest to call it quantumsensorial perception, which is our finestly tuned physical sensory connection when fully in balance with ourselves in a fully balanced brain state, something similar to “deep intelligence” as quantum computers are generating with the enormous advantage of unlimited memory and digital quantum mechanics undisturbed by biological processes as emotions and pain, neither need to rest. But our biological and emotional quantum sensorial perception in dreams and intuition goes far beyond what programmed AI machines could reach, if we humans remain in contact with our intuitive and dream faculties.

We could as global humanity be able to fully control and access Al memory if we create the necessary security limits to it through global democratically established laws and control institutions, and, most importantly, limiting Al’s autonomous decision functions: we humans created the technology, we are in control of all aspects of its funcioning, if we act all together and do not leave it to the highly competively raising tech companies and most powerful governments of the planet in their race of total control of the planet. That way we could be in control of Al and use its full advantages using Al as what it should be: machines that are our tools and servants while we all remain sovereign and autonomous humanity.

Our unreachable human advantage lies exactly in what seems to be a disadvantage: in our need to breathe, to feel, to suffer, to enjoy, to love, to laugh and to cry, to be nervous, anxious, exhausted, our need to rest, which is sleep, which is dream – and to dream is our human recharge and reconnection to our quantum sensorial perception, and day time dreaming, meditation, ecstasy and epiphanies and create with them :
conscious lucid dreaming, which neuroscience knows to be a repeatedly observed factual reality. The more we human beings are in balance in our all over physcial and psychological workings, the more conscious we are dreaming, the more lucid we are dreaming, the more translucid becomes our view and insight of everything and our connection to cosmic forces beyond our understanding or control.

This natural balance is reached in a human, as neuroscience knows today, through an ambihemispherically synchronized brain in tune with the heart-pelvis pulse, the gut feeling and the actual brain of the heart. The more this whole body sensory connection is balanced and freely interacts through our nervous system the more liberated we feel anything, feel, intuite about ourselves, about others in enhanced states of empathy. We might perceive even things and events beyond our body and that moment in time and the more lucid we dream, undisturbed by daily psychological clean up dreams, brain chatter dreams and television/virtual imagery overcharge dreams.

The more our entire sensory nervous system with our brain heart pelvis connection are at peace and in tune, the clearer they allow our personal connection to which ever quantum force or consicousness might be stiring events and brings about actual events in the material world with amazing creative and, seemingly loving benevolent and life procreating energy, – maybe even a kind of erotic energy, as some religions believe and some bionenergetic scientists, as well. This is how telepathy works, intuition in general, clearvoyance and the capacity of telepathic and future reading in general. Connecting to that full ambihemispherical awareness we are highly receptive to information while leaving for those moments logical interpretation ego brain chatter functions of the brain at rest.

Some of us are trained to follow in this synchronization, be it through deep meditation or Zen practices about the “Path”, be it through deep devotion in love (the Tantric path to Samadhi) or be it through deep devotion to a God or higher power in a delivered humility which might occur in any religious practice – or be obscured by and manipulated through the ritual of the practice. What all those practices and experiences have in common is the intuitive human knowing about a connection to a force or “will”- power that stirs and quides us in our lives through a loving energy of bliss and creativity, creation, through which we receive strength and knowledge (see Tesla quote in the below attached fotos).

The Gateway Experience talked about in the below link to an undisclosed Al document is another technique to reach those states of awareness.


Ambihemispherical mind


So, when a brain chip is called “Telepathy” (Musk’s Neuralink brain chip) and internet (social) media networks “Meta” (Metathron, The Angel of God, doing God’s will on earth), that means that we are being sold a simulacra of real telepathy, linking us to a virtual higher power or will, a simulacra of God controlled by those owning the companies and infrastructure. The owners and big share holders of the companies putting themselves in the spot of an omnipresent and almighty God directing and stiring our lives working with the largely known social media manipulations of promise of reward, creating fear of loss, arousing anxious needs and quick erotical desire simulating brief satisfaction mechanisms that at the end leave us unsatisfied and create hunger for ever more: addiction to media. Simple mechanisms of consumer trapping used in everyday social media commercialism. Our lives will be fully controlled by them. You might call it absolute totalitarian oligarchy.

With the Artificial General Intelligence seemingly being at immediate reach in the very close future, or already reached as some argue (Sam Altman, see youtube interview in post below) the ultimate power over the world that President Putin of Russia talked about as early as in 2021 is around the corner anytime. With the looming possibility of an internet of neurons, quantum Al might be able to control even our dreams by giving wireless input of artificial simulacra of dreams.

The Trump-Musk-Putin and Silicon Valley proximities are to be observed very closely same as China, not to forget European neuroscientific advances in this field with European Union sponsored research having made a breakthrough in early 2020 in neuronal internet developing.

An internet of neurons delivering the possibility to directly connect over the internet to neuronal circuits in our brains might one day be able to even control our dreams and stirr us to believe as if they were ours in simulated fake intuitions – all of which will give those in control of the programming of such an internet of neurons full control over our greatest human genius and our ultimate freedom. We have to be fully aware of our very little known and very often belittled and ridiculed capacity to develop our perception to the degree to actually be highly telepathic and clairvoyant, even and especially in dreams. Below I will post links to the most important scientific reads on the topic.

Let me close this article with an observation of great philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer in his Essay “Versuch über das Geisterleben”, (Essay on the life of spirit, which should be easily found in any English version of Schopenhauer’s “Pararerga and Paralipomena”, written 1851 ), a little excerpt of the text which I call Schopenhauer’s trout and from which I came up with my question: “What does Schrödinger’s cat have to do with Schopenhauer’s trout?”, being for me the most interesting question of our times and, together with the question “What is it that makes us human” also the most important one.

„An einem Morgen schrieb ich mit großem Eifer einen langen und für mich sehr wichtigen englischen Geschäftsbrief; als ich die dritte Seite fertig hatte, ergriff ich, statt des Streusands, das Tintenfaß und goß es über den Brief aus; vom Pult floß die Tinte auf den Fußboden. Die auf mein Schellen herbeigekommene Magd holte einen Eimer Wasser und scheuerte damit den Fußboden, damit die Flecke nicht eindrängen. Während dieser Arbeit sagte sie zu mir: ,mir hat diese Nacht geträumt, daß ich hier Tintenflecke aus dem Fußboden ausriebe.

Worauf ich: Das ist nicht wahr. Sie wiederum: ,Es ist wahr, und habe ich es, nach dem Erwachen, der andern, mit mir zusammen schlafenden Magd erzählt. Jetzt kommt zufällig diese andere Magd, etwa 17 Jahre alt, herein, die scheuernde abzurufen. Ich trete der Eintretenden entgegen und frage: ,was hat der da diese Nacht geträumt?’

Antwort: ,das weiß ich nicht’. Ich wiederum: ,Doch! sie hat es Dir ja beim Erwachen erzählt.’ – Die junge Magd: ,Ach ja, ihr hatte geträumt, daß sie hier Tintenflecke aus dem Fußboden reiben würde.’- Diese Geschichte, welche, da ich mich für die genaue Wahrheit derselben verbürge, die theorematischen Träume außer Zweifel setzt, ist nicht minder dadurch merkwürdig, daß das Vorhergeträumte die Wirkung einer Handlung war, die man unwillkürlich nennen könnte, sofern ich sie ganz und gar gegen meine Absicht vollzog, und sie von einem ganz kleinen Fehlgriff meiner Hand abhing; dennoch war diese Handlung so strenge nothwendig und unausbleiblich vorherbestimmt, daß ihre Wirkung, mehrere Stunden vorher, als Traum im Bewußtsein eines Andern dastand.

In den, Times’ vom 2. Dezember 1852 steht folgende gerichtliche Aussage: Zu Newent in Glocestershire wurde vor dem Coroner Mr. Lovegrove eine gerichtliche Untersuchung über den im Wasser gefundenen Leichnam des Mannes Mark Lane abgehalten. Der Bruder des Ertrunkenen sagte aus, daß er auf die erste Nachricht vom Vermißtwerden seines Bruders Markus sogleich erwidert habe: ,Dann ist er ertrunken; denn dies hat mir diese Nacht geträumt und daß ich, tief im Wasser stehend, bemüht war, ihn herauszuziehen.’ In der nächstfolgenden Nacht träumte ihm abermals, daß sein Bruder nahe bei der Schleuse zu Oxenhall er-trunken sei und daß neben ihm eine Forelle schwamm. Am folgenden Morgen ging er, in Begleitung seines anderen Bruders, nach Oxenhall; daselbst sah er eine Forelle im Wasser. Sogleich war er überzeugt, daß sein Bruder hier liegen müsse, und wirklich fand die Leiche sich an der Stelle.

Also etwas so Flüchtiges wie das Vorübergleiten einer Forelle wird um mehrere Stunden, auf die Sekunde genau, vorausgeschen.”

See articles and more information links on translucidmind.com, Neuroscience News.







Susanne Steines, 18.11.2024