This September, I am starting the “Archive of Poetry (Wordwork)” on, my work of a sensitive and dedicated presence during all my life. I will post more and more of my poetry continuously, with corresponding dates but without chronology in order, just as I do in  the Archive of Artwork. Some of my artwork and poetry will appear in both sections, specifically the Driftword Diaries which run through my entire work, “Driftwords surfacing in a stream, no, an ocean, no, a cosmos of consciousness.” (Susanne Steines, 2024)
My entire poetic work is a spontaneous composing of sounds, tones, colors and a weaving of words, texts, letters, signs, tones, timbres, movements, dances, energies, intrinsically woven together moments of real inner and real outer palpable presence in my life, movements in ambidextrous handwriting and painting, an ambihemispherical life.
“Hay una luz en el fondo de todo eso, palabras de luz, presencia real.”
(Susanne Steines, Pacific Coast, Oaxaca, 2000)


Susanne Steines, 1 de Septiembre 2024.
Archive of Poetry Susanne Steines
Archive of Poetry (Wordwork)
art of poetry susanne steines
art of poetry translucidmind
art of poetry susanne translucidmind
Archive of Poetry Susanne steines 1(Wordwork)
Archive of Poetry Susanne steines 2 (Wordwork)
Archive of Poetry Susanne steines 4 (Wordwork)
Archive of Poetry Susanne steines 3 (Wordwork)
Archive of Poetry Susanne steines 5(Wordwork)