Lightheartedness is not to be confused with coldheartedness nor does it originate in it. Lightheartedness might originate in the warmest heart and the strongest intention wishing to create and share joy.
Great happiness is based on the warmth of the heart. A warm heart is a translucid, transparent heart despite all the mysterious magic it seems to radiate in its deliberate joy – because joy is such a magical state of mind.
Remember and connect deeply to those moments you have experienced in your life feeling joyfully lighthearted, and now see your own great potential to amplify this feeling and this state of mind in all aspects of your life right now.
Let’s focus on all the positive openings that are right now in this very moment configuring in your life (call it fate, tao, karma, god, quantum entanglement, whatever works for you): an idea, a project, an interesting encounter, an inspiring person, a new trustworthy friend or love. Amplify them in your mind, walk with them and imagine the joy on the path.
Let’s open spaces for this joyfully amplified mind daily and forget about personal fears and about fear generating world politics. You might be in the most heavy and dark distress in many aspects of your life right now. But there are always new constellations configuring at the same time for a more lightful, delightful, less heavy, less dark – simply more lighthearted life.
Concentrate on those positive openings fate presents right now for you. Don’t let fear kick in, nor escape into the clouds of dreaming. Imagine firmly that the best outcome is possible. You see it? Allow this smile on your face to stay.
“What fate has employed cannot be destroyed”, said Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, and, in another context, he put in a nutshell what is our personal contribution to stirring our fate towards a great outcome: “Just give your best and make life a feast.”
Lightheartedness is not only based on a warm heart, it is also an achievement of a lifelong discipline. Beyond intellectual content and clear reasoning, my entire work is permeated by the lighthearted intent to inspire and share joyful energy. Please keep sharing.
September 10th, 2021. Copyright Susanne Steines from the text:
“Ambihemispherical Holosohpy’s 12 Translucidly Mindful Words: 6 Lightheartedness”
France, 2014
Oli, Ink, pastel on canvas.