Ambihemispherical Holosophy’s 12 Translucidly Mindful Words: – 1 Forgiveness
1 Forgiveness
Forgiveness is an indispensable and powerful tool of human evolution. The idea of complete forgiveness is rooted in profound philosophy beyond religious ideas. It seems to come from a much deeper intelligence than the idea of karma chasing you with pain or choosing you for terrestrial material gratification – which is a relatively primitive idea deduced from our knowledge of physical cause and effect and, certainly, from the human impulse of revenge and reward (and therefore has a high potential for Machiavellian abuse).
Ambihemispherical Holosophy 0
By Susanne Steines
Arriving at the end of 2020 we find ourselves not only politically and socially in a very significant moment of history, but also philosophically. Some pictures of demonstrations in European cities against COVID19-politics or of the partly violent demonstrations in the US of Trump-supporters show a bizarre mix of antiscientific conspiracy ideas proclaimed by spiritualist groups and darkest medieval religious fundamentalism, and all of this in the face of actual radical islamist terrorism.